
Celestine A. Gatley

Has the dynamics of the pandemic knocked you out of your comfort zone? As if that were not enough, we are faced with social injustice stacked on to all the other issues that we were already facing. In the mist of it all, you must maintain your composure.

Celestine A. Gatley

In the wake of active shootings, road rage, natural disasters, and so much more going on in the world today, some of us tend to get discouraged. We need to know that we are not alone. We must still have love and peace in our hearts.

Celestine A. Gatley

The Holy Spirit is so awesome. He is a part of the Holy Trinity – The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. He is a gift to us. As believers, we have many different ideas about the truth of God. This is not a good thing, since we should all be on one accord.

Celestine A. Gatley

Most people have no idea of the power of their words. Did you know that you can find peace or turmoil just by speaking certain things out of your mouth? Life and death lies in the power of your own tongue.

Celestine A. Gatley

Does the Lord speak to his people? Do you know his voice? There are instances in the bible where the Lord spoke to his people. The Lord did in fact speak to Samuel. He also spoke to Moses.

Celestine A. Gatley

As a Christian, you die to self. You become selfless. You surrender every part of self to your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He begins a good work in you. Every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord.